Looking for work ?
Because Pharmacad Services wants to build up a reputation as a provider in Medicine, Pharmaceuticals and the Biosciences, the company is searching for translators who specifically have experience not just in translation, but also in working as physicians, bioscientists, chemists and within the pharmaceuticals industry. Pharmacad Services places more emphasis on such career credentials than it does on the possession, for example, of (albeit desirable) translation diploma documentation . As such, if you comply with the following minimum criteria, feel free to inquire with Pharmacad Services.
- A degree in the life sciences, medicine, pharmacy or chemistry
- Sound knowledge of publication in biomedical journals
- Experience using German as a resident of a Germanophone country (if you are an English native speaker), or
- Experience using English as a resident of an Anglophone country (if you are a German native speaker)
- A doctorate in the life sciences, medicine, pharmacy or chemistry
- Qualification as a translator
- Experience in the use of CAT tools