Website Design
The next thing you need to consider is how your website is to be designed. This involves the develpment of a template, which determines the couours and the fonts which are going to be used to present your website. The template also determines what background images or header images you would like to use, and whether you want to have a single sheet layout, or a layout with columns on one or both sides.
Compare the setup of this website with the design of this website, which has columns either side.
In practice, the development of a template is a dynamic process. One rarely knows at the start whether a website should have one column either side, two, or even none. It depends on the content which you want to present, how much content, or what functions you want the website to have.
What we can do for you
We can take all the work from designing your template, and hence the overall design of your website. if there is something you dont like, a template can easily be changed to your desires.