Professional Translations for Biomedicine and Pharmaceuticals
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Professional translations of medical, pharmaceutical and bioscientific texts, e.g. manuscripts, expert reports, discharge letters, textbooks, SPCs, registration documentation from German into English (and backwards)
Editing and Proofreading of manuscripts, expert reports, discharge reports, text books etc. in English and German
Medical and scientific writing, creation and conceptualisation of english language biomedical Manuscripts (statistical analysis, literature surveys)
Consultation for publication in biomedical journals
Your advantages:
Understanding of the text to be translated (our main translator is an english mother tongue translator himself with many years of experience as a publishing bioscientist)
Rapid processing and direct service (no complications due to intermediate third parties)
Additional services:
Professional translations business, legal or advertising texts (e.g. marketing) etc. from German into English (and backwards)
Translations of websites (German - Engl)
Website development in Joomla including PHP programming
Need a translation ?
$db2 = &JFactory::getDBO();
$db2->setQuery("SELECT * FROM jos_customfields WHERE name = 'baseprice_trans'");
$base = $db2->loadObject();
$db2->setQuery("SELECT * FROM jos_customfields WHERE name = 'expressprice_trans'");
$express = $db2->loadObject();
$db2->setQuery("SELECT * FROM jos_customfields WHERE name = 'fastprice_trans'");
$fast = $db2->loadObject();
$db2->setQuery("SELECT * FROM jos_customfields WHERE name = 'dayprice'");
$day = $db2->loadObject();
$db2->setQuery("SELECT * FROM jos_customfields WHERE name = 'baseprice_edit'");
$edit = $db2->loadObject();
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$document->setTitle('Pharmacad Services - Prices');
Pricelist for services
valid from 01/09/2009
Specialist translations
in science, medicine, for the pharmaceutical industry, company/product/service presentations, legal, business, technical etc.
For each language and line**
Normal processing
Express (within 24 hours)*
Super express (as quickly as possible)*
* please enquire (usually text quantity up to 150 standard lines)
** Calculations are based on standard lines which correspond to 52 ASCII characters (including blank spaces). We can also make offers based on word counts.
Night and weekend supplements
Supplement for translation of terminology lists
Expert editing and proofreading
per hour
Expert editing, consultation
per hour (25% more time than proofreading)
Correction of translations not prepared by academic services
please enquire
Other services
Graphic formatting or preparation
per hour
please enquire
Voiceover, subtitling
please enquire
Website development
Website design
per hour or per day
PHP-programming, web application development (in Joomla)
per hour or per day
With repeat orders or large quantities of text we can negotiate a percentage rebate. The same applies if texts contain large quantities of repeating text.
An individual offer
Preparation of a quote is normally done within a working day. For this purpose we need to have a copy of the text to be translated. If the preparation of a quote itself takes a significant amount of time (more than half an hour), Academic Services reserves the right to charge for this time at our standard hourly rates.